Évaluer un rendement de maïs

Avant de commencer votre évaluation, assurez-vous d’avoir en main : gallon à mesurer et corde de 30 pieds.

Record County name and GPS location on worksheet provided. Download “My GPS Coordinates” app from applicable app store (free app)
Measure row spacing and record on worksheet.
At the sampling location measure out 30’ of row using rope provided. The second row will be 10 paces to the left or right
At the plot, scouts count the number of ears that will make grain on two 30 foot rows (with rope and hook), then pull ears from the 5th, 8th and 11th plants from both rows (six total ears). If there is more than 1 ear on the 5th, 8th, or 11th plant – pull dominant ear
Take corn ears back to vehicle
On those sample ears, scouts count (and average) the number of kernel rows around (it will be an even number) and count the number of kernels in a row and measure the length of each ear in inches. Do not count really small ears that are unlikely to produce
Evaluate corn plant health at each site.
Record all data on sheets provided.
Note any interesting aspects of the crop (severe drought, leaf diseases covering the ear leaf, etc.) in the comment section
Team lead to forward sheets to Ashleigh at Farms.com before 4pm each day. Take clear photo of entire worksheet, or scan and email, or fax. Email: ashleigh.benedict@farms.com Fax: 519-821-1624

Évaluer un rendement de maïs

Ontario Crop Tour


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